Project Update

Hello all!

I’ve just returned to Boston after spending the week in Washington DC to present my project on Azorean whalers at National Geographic headquarters. The presentation went over very well and it was a busy, inspiring, and productive week. I’m happy to share that several new things are in the works to get the word out about my work and the stories of the whalers. Upcoming media will include another radio interview with NG radio host Boyd Matson, a film interview for the web with Nat Geo Live, and an article and photo gallery on Nat Geo News. There’s potentially a few other things brewing, and I’ll be sure to update as it all moves along. I was also asked to continue my blogging for Nat Geo Explorer’s Journal, where I was writing from the field this summer, so I’ll continue to link to any new posts there on this site. 

Thanks for all your continued support – I’ll leave you with a shot from the office of my grant coordinator at NG headquarters (too bad the flag never blew the right way for this vantage point!). 
